英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 08:51:57
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1. 不再是:cease v. 停止,终了 | cease to be../不再是.. | cease fire!/停火 博学在线_职称英语考试

2. cease to be的解释

2. 不复为:Cease Fire Commission;停火委员会;CFC; | cease to be;不复为;; | cease to be effective;失效;;

3. 不再是来源:博学在线:cease v. 停止,终了 | cease to be../不再是来源:博学在线 | cease fire!/停火

4. 不再是来源:考试大:cease v. 停止,终了 | cease to be../不再是来源:考试大 | cease fire!/停火

  • 临近词

When I'm a corpse,I will cease to be a person,but I'll still exist.(当我是个尸体时,我不再作为人,但依然存在。)
How it ends up in the long run for the Dutch is that the Dutch cease to be a great power.(从长远来看,荷兰终将不再是一个强国。)
If these conditions are absent, it will cease to be interesting when a man has acquired his maximum skill.(但如不具备上述两个条件,在人们掌握的技巧达到顶峰以后,这种工作便不再有兴趣了。)
Alright, and as for 'the end of all of this,' have you ever seen anything in this world just cease to be?(好吧,至于‘所有这一切的终点’,你看到过这个世界中什么东西终止存在了吗?)
If men insisted on being free from the burden of self-dependence and responsibility for the common good, they would cease to be free.(如果人们坚持要摆脱自力更生的负担和对共同利益的责任,那他们将不再是自由的。)
A little longer, and even these faint records will be obliterated, and the monument will cease to be a memorial.(再过些时候,连这些残存的记录都会消失,纪念碑也将不成其为一件纪念物了。)
This credit shall cease to be available for negotiation of beneficiary's drafts after Mar.08, 2004.(本信用证受益人的汇票在2004年3月8日前议付有效。)
The wave lands on the beach, but it does not cease to be. It merely changes form.(波浪冲上沙滩,但它并没有消失,它只是改变了形态,然后又退回海洋。)
If he did he would cease to be an artist.(如果他看到了,就不再是艺术家。)
Tomorrow you will cease to be a Marionette and will become a real boy.(明天你就不再是木偶了,你将变成一个真正的男孩。)
cease to be是什么意思 cease to be在线翻译 cease to be什么意思 cease to be的意思 cease to be的翻译 cease to be的解释 cease to be的发音 cease to be的同义词